Antara International logo

Every mother deserves the peace of mind that comes from knowing her child is healthy.

But in rural India, this is often a luxury.

Your donation is a vote of confidence

Your donation is more than just a contribution; it's proof of belief in the power of healthcare to transform lives.

By donating $500, you can equip two labor room staff with the skills and knowledge to save lives.

$200 contribution can empower a community health worker to provide vital healthcare services to their community.

With a
$100 donation, you can help ensure the safe delivery of 46 babies, including those at the highest risk of mortality.

$50 donation can directly impact the lives of 14 at-risk women and children, providing them with essential care and treatment

Frequently asked questions

Transforming the Global Health Paradigm

Questions? Reach out to to connect with a member of our team.

All donations are fully tax-deductible as Antara International is a US 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit (Tax ID: 30-1250104)